____ _ _ ____ _ / ___|__ _ _ __ | |_ __ _(_)_ __ / ___| _ __ | | ___ ___ _ __ | | / _` | '_ \| __/ _` | | '_ \ \___ \| '_ \| |/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \ | |__| (_| | |_) | || (_| | | | | | ___) | |_) | | __/ __/ | | | \____\__,_| .__/ \__\__,_|_|_| |_| |____/| .__/|_|\___|\___|_| |_| |_| |_| __ __ |_ | _| | | | | | | | | | |__|__| (C) 1997 by Colin Gagnon Software 1) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: One (1) IBM compatible computer (286 or higher) One (1) monitor, connected to the computer (VGA or higher) One (1) Microsoft or compatible mouse, connected to the computer which should also be connected to the monitor RECOMMENDED HARDWARE: All that stuff above, plus a Sound Blaster or compatible sound card. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: MS-DOS 3.3 (three point three) or higher, installed on the computer connected to the mouse and monitor. 2) What is Captain Spleen 2? Captain Spleen 2 is the second episode in the saga of Captain Spleen, interplanetary space adventurer extraordinare (etc., etc). In Captain Spleen 2, you must rescue Colin Gagnon and Robert Randall, the authors of the game, from the clutches of the evil MSDOS (not affiliated in any way with the above requirement). On the way, you'll meet a cast of interesting characters, hear the infamous REPAIR sound effect, and see a certain name that starts with O several times. 3) Alright, that's just dandy, but how do I play? Ah. So glad you asked. Here are the detailed instructions: 1) Start the program by changing to the directory you have installed the game into, and typing SPLEEN2. 2) Grasp the mouse firmly in your right hand (for left handed users, grasp the mouse firmly in your left hand). 3) Click, or if you just want to be silly, wait until the options screen appears. Select New Game (of course, if you've saved a game, you may wish to select Load Game). 4) Alright. Once you get into the game, read the text at the bottom of the screen. Be sure to pay attention to all of the text, as for the most part (alright, on rare occasion) it pertains to the game. When you are done reading, click the mouse button. 5) Click on whatever looks relevant on the screen. Also click on whatever looks irrelevant. Clues might be hiding anywhere. As a general rule, click only when your mouse pointer is visible on the screen. 6) Repeat steps 4 through 6. In addition to these options, you may also press CTRL-Q at any time to quit, though you may have to click at least once more before the program actually exits. Also, you may notice that you can load a game even if you have never played Captain Spleen 2 before. Yes, it is possible to load an unsaved game, but it will mess up your game very badly. We don't recommend it. 4) About the Sound Blaster card Some users may experience difficulties when trying to hear the digitized sound effects that take up a lot of space on their hard drives (this has never happened to me or to any of the systems I beta tested this on, but it's concievable, and I know of at least a couple of exceptionally messed up setups that would do it). If your computer locks up while playing sounds, try starting the game by typing: SPLEEN2 /NOSB This will start Captain Spleen 2 without detecting a Sound Blaster card. Of course, now you won't be able to hear the sound effects, but come on. At least you still get to hear the GREAT PC speaker sound, right? Right? Anyway, be aware, though, that any game saved with the sound on will load with the sound on. If you start Captain Spleen 2 normally, and the Sound Blaster is detected, and you save a game, when the game is loaded, it will be loaded as if the Sound Blaster has been detected, whether is has or not. 5) Can I give copies of Captain Spleen ][ to my friends? By all means, absolutely! Captain Spleen 2 is SHAREWARE, which means that you may pass it on to as many people as you like! Feel free to upload it onto your favorite BBS's. However, shareware doesn't mean public domain. If you like the game, and plan to keep playing it, you are required to register, or pay for it. Registering keeps shareware alive. If you don't register, the programmer (that's me!) can't make any more software (I know you're thinking it, don't say it). Shareware programmers make their livelyhood by registrations, and recieve no other money from software houses or other organizations that distribute the files. To register Captain Spleen ][, send $20 to: Captain Spleen ][ Registration Colin Gagnon Software 408 Pine St. Stoughton, WI 53589 When you register, you will recieve Captain Spleen ]I[, a midi version of the Captain Spleen ][ theme song, and maybe even more than that (depends on what happens once Captain Spleen ]I[ is written). So, be sure to register. 6) Wow! You guys are the apogee of softworks! Your epic games stand out almost as much as a pair of russian underwear! And to think, you're not from the Sierras, you're from Stoughton, Wisconsin! Where can I get more of your games? (hehehe) Well, you can find more games on the Colin Gagnon Software homepage: http://www.toptown.com/hp/CGS/cgs.htm Don't worry if the links don't work, we're probably in the process of moving files. Try again in a day or two. If the problem persists, contact me, since I don't anticipate moving files any time soon... You can also order them. See the GAMES file for more info. If you'd like to get in touch with me via e-mail, my address is: TMBG@NJACKN.COM And for those of you who are just strange, my personal homepage is at: http://www.toptown.com/hp/CGS/index.htm 7) Hey, vendors! Oh goody! You dethided to thell my program! BUT!!! These are the terms to which you must abide in order to do so: 1) Clearly mark the package as "Shareware" or "Try before you buy" software. You must explain the concept on the packaging. 2) State that the program is a product of Colin Gagnon Software on the packaging or in the catalog. 3) Inform me in writing. 4) Distribute only the most recent version of the program. To obtain a copy, you should send $5 to Colin Gagnon Software. 5) Distribute all the files. If all the files are not in your copy, or you are unsure, you should register. You will recieve a complete copy. Once you have registered, upgrades will be available. See above. ***The files are:*** ANDRE1.CGS ANNOUNCE.CGS ASTRO.CGS ASTRO.SCR BAHBAAAH.VOC BIGCORP1.CGS BILL.SCR BILLOFF.CGS BILLOFFB.CGS BLAKSHIP.CGS BLAMELBA.CGS BOX1.CGS BOX2.CGS BOX3.CGS BOX4.CGS BOX5.CGS BOX6.CGS BUYLEM.SCR BW1.CGS CAB1.CGS CABARET.SCR CAS.CGS CAS.SCR CAS1.CGS CAST1.CGS CAST2.CGS CELL.CGS CELL.SCR CGS.CGS CGSDOOR.CGS CGSDOOR.SCR CGSNROB.CGS CHOICE1.CGS COLIN.CGS COMM1.CGS COMM2.CGS COMM3.CGS CREDITS.SCR CREDITS1.CGS CREDITS2.CGS CREDITS3.CGS CS1.VOC CS2.VOC CS2_1.SAV CS2_2.SAV CS2_3.SAV CS2_4.SAV CS2_5.SAV CS3.VOC CS4.VOC CS5.VOC DEATH.VOC DRAWER.CGS EARBOY.CGS EDNA1.CGS EDNA2.CGS ELBA.SCR ELBA1.CGS ELBA2.CGS ELBA3.CGS ELBA4.CGS ERTH.SCR ERTH1.CGS ERTH2.CGS ERTH3.CGS ERTHSIGN.CGS FILE_ID.DIZ FOREHEAD.CGS FURD.SCR FURD1.CGS FURD2.CGS FURDBURK.CGS GAL.SCR GAMES GAMESTRT.SCR HAHAWHA2.VOC HAHAWHAW.VOC HOWTO.CGS IKE.CGS INCHAIR.CGS ITS.VOC ITS1.CGS ITS2.CGS JBT.CGS JBT.VOC JORDAN1.CGS JORDAN2.CGS KENTANN.CGS KENTBOX.CGS KENTBOX2.CGS KENTBW1.CGS KENTCAB.CGS KENTCONF.CGS KENTDRAG.CGS KENTELBA.CGS KENTGUN.CGS KENTHAPY.CGS KENTPUMP.CGS KENTSHIP.CGS KENTSHIP.SCR LEMON.SCR LEMON1.CGS LEMON2.CGS LEMON3.CGS LEMON4.CGS LEMON5.CGS LEMON6.CGS LEMON7.CGS LOAD.CGS MAZE1.CGS MAZE2.CGS MC.SCR MC1.CGS MC2.CGS MC3.CGS MILK.CGS MUF1.CGS MUF2.CGS MUF3.CGS MUF4.CGS MUFFIN.SCR NAVFORE.CGS NEWS.CGS NIX1.CGS NIX2.CGS NIXXON.VOC OFFDOOR.CGS OFFDOOR1.CGS OFFDOOR3.CGS OFFDOOR4.CGS OINK.VOC OPER.CGS OPTIONS.CGS ORDER.CGS PASSWD.CGS PET1.CGS PET2.CGS PET3.CGS PHONE.CGS PIGEON.CGS PIGEON.SCR PLANET1.CGS PLANET1.SCR PLAY.EXE PLAYDOH.CGS PLAYDOH2.CGS PORKY1.CGS PORKY2.CGS PUMPKIN.CGS QAX.CGS RANDALL.SCR RANDALL1.CGS RANDALL2.CGS RANDALL3.CGS RANDALL4.CGS README.TXT REAGAN1.CGS REAGAN2.CGS RECROOM.CGS RECROOM.SCR REGISTER.CGS REPAIR1.VOC REPAIR2.VOC REST1.CGS RETARD1.CGS ROBERT.CGS ROCKET.SCR SAVE.CGS SEC.CGS SNARK.SCR SNARK1.CGS SOUP1.CGS SOUP2.CGS SPACE.CGS SPLEEN2.EXE START.SCR STEAL.CGS STEAL.SCR STEAL2.CGS STEAL3.CGS STEAL4.CGS STEAL5.CGS TAKEOFF.VOC THEEND.CGS THEL.CGS TICKETS.CGS TITLE.CGS TRADE.CGS UMT.CGS UMT.SCR VENDOR WAITER1.CGS WAITER2.CGS WATER.CGS ZOOM1.CGS ZOOM2.CGS ZOOM3.CGS ZOOOOM.VOC 6) If a price is to be charged for the program, it shall not exceed $9 U.S., which is pretty darned expensive, anyway. 7) You must send me a copy of the catalog or of the packaging as soon as it is manufactured. 8) You will not hold Colin Gagnon Software or it's partners responsible for any damage or inconvenience resulting from your failure to abide by these terms. All of these terms must be met. Action may be taken against anyone who fails to abide by them. (c) 1997 Colin Gagnon Software